Compliant Path Following

This example demonstrates how to simulate a compliant path following control strategy for a robot moving along a predefined path. One problem with traditional path following controllers is that the reference moves irrespective of the robot's behaviour. If an obstacle is encountered, the reference will continue to move, potentially causing the robot to exert large forces on the obstacle, and inducing large tracking errors.

A compliant path following controller, is driven along the path of the trajectory by a virtual mechanism system, which is connected to the robot's end effector by a virtual spring and damper. Thus, if an obstacle is encountered, the connection between the robot and the virtual mechanism will stop the ``reference'' from moving, and the robot will behave compliantly. Thus compliant behaviour can be achieved along the trajectory, while still stiffly constraining the robot to the path.

The robot is controlled by a virtual mechanism system, which includes a virtual track (trajectory) that a virtual cart moves along. A virtual spring and damper are used to connect the virtual cart to the robot's end effector, and a force source applies a driving force to the virtual cart.

The robot is controlled to follow a predefined path while being subjected to a disturbance force. The result is a controller which stiffly constrains the robot to the path, while behaving compliantly along the direction of travel. When a force exceeding the driving force is applied to the robot, the cart may even reverse its direction of travel, but the linear spring will ensure that the robot remains on the path.

using DifferentialEquations
using GLMakie
using LinearAlgebra

using VMRobotControl
using VMRobotControl.Splines: CubicSpline
using StaticArrays

Loading/Building the Robot and Controller

First, we define the path that the robot will follow. The path is defined as a spline, which is a piecewise cubic polynomial that interpolates a set of points. We construct the spline using a set of points that define the path, and then create a CubicSpline object from these points, which will pass exactly through the points.

Care must be taken to ensure that the path is smooth and continuous, as the units of the system state are in meters and radians: if there are large differences in scale between the points, on the path, then the automatic tolerance selection in the ODE solver may struggle to perform well, as in some regions of the path a small difference in q may cause a large difference in the position, requiring a small step size to accurately simulate the system.

start = SVector(0.425, 0.15, 0.10)
s_width = 4e-2
s_length = 20e-2
spline = let w=s_width, x0=start[1], y0=start[2], L=s_length, h=start[3], Nk = 6, Nr = 6
    forward = Vector(LinRange(x0, x0+L, Nk))
    backward = Vector(reverse(forward))
    spline_points = Matrix{Float64}(undef, 0, 3);

    for i = 0:(Nr-1)
        knots = (i%2)!=1 ? forward : backward
        spline_points = vcat(
            hcat(knots, y0 .+ w*i*ones(size(knots)), h*ones(size(knots)))
VMRobotControl.Splines.CubicSpline{3, Float64}(VMRobotControl.Splines.CubicSplineData{3, Float64}([0.425 0.15 0.1; 0.465 0.15 0.1; 0.505 0.15 0.1; 0.545 0.15 0.1; 0.585 0.15 0.1; 0.625 0.15 0.1; 0.625 0.19 0.1; 0.585 0.19 0.1; 0.545 0.19 0.1; 0.505 0.19 0.1; 0.465 0.19 0.1; 0.425 0.19 0.1; 0.425 0.22999999999999998 0.1; 0.465 0.22999999999999998 0.1; 0.505 0.22999999999999998 0.1; 0.545 0.22999999999999998 0.1; 0.585 0.22999999999999998 0.1; 0.625 0.22999999999999998 0.1; 0.625 0.27 0.1; 0.585 0.27 0.1; 0.545 0.27 0.1; 0.505 0.27 0.1; 0.465 0.27 0.1; 0.425 0.27 0.1; 0.425 0.31 0.1; 0.465 0.31 0.1; 0.505 0.31 0.1; 0.545 0.31 0.1; 0.585 0.31 0.1; 0.625 0.31 0.1; 0.625 0.35 0.1; 0.585 0.35 0.1; 0.545 0.35 0.1; 0.505 0.35 0.1; 0.465 0.35 0.1; 0.425 0.35 0.1], [0.425 0.15 0.1; 0.4650404299101982 0.14992992148898976 0.10000000000000002; 0.5048382803592072 0.1502803140440408 0.10000000000000003; 0.545606448652973 0.148948822334847 0.1; 0.582735925028901 0.1539243966165712 0.10000000000000003; 0.6334498512314223 0.1353535911988681 0.1; 0.63346467004541 0.20466123858795626 0.10000000000000002; 0.5826914685869382 0.18600145444930694 0.1; 0.5457694556068371 0.19133294361481612 0.10000000000000002; 0.5042307089857143 0.18866677109142868 0.10000000000000002; 0.46730770845030617 0.19399997201946925 0.1; 0.4165384572130613 0.17533334083069424 0.10000000000000002; 0.4165384626974484 0.24466666465775389 0.1; 0.46730769199714484 0.22600000053829014 0.10000000000000002; 0.5042307693139725 0.23133333318908558 0.1; 0.5457692307469653 0.22866666670536728 0.10000000000000002; 0.582692307698167 0.23399999998944523 0.10000000000000002; 0.6334615384603667 0.21533333333685156 0.10000000000000002; 0.6334615384603667 0.28466666666314844 0.10000000000000002; 0.5826923076981669 0.2660000000105548 0.10000000000000002; 0.5457692307469654 0.27133333329463266 0.10000000000000002; 0.5042307693139725 0.26866666681091445 0.10000000000000002; 0.4673076919971448 0.27399999946170983 0.10000000000000002; 0.4165384626974485 0.2553333353422461 0.10000000000000002; 0.4165384572130613 0.32466665916930576 0.10000000000000002; 0.46730770845030606 0.3060000279805307 0.10000000000000002; 0.5042307089857143 0.31133322890857135 0.10000000000000002; 0.5457694556068371 0.30866705638518394 0.10000000000000002; 0.5826914685869382 0.31399854555069306 0.10000000000000002; 0.6334646700454099 0.29533876141204374 0.10000000000000002; 0.6334498512314224 0.36464640880113186 0.10000000000000002; 0.5827359250289011 0.3460756033834287 0.10000000000000002; 0.545606448652973 0.351051177665153 0.10000000000000002; 0.5048382803592073 0.3497196859559591 0.10000000000000002; 0.4650404299101983 0.35007007851101013 0.10000000000000003; 0.425 0.35 0.1]))

Because the meshes for the franka robot are in the DAE file format, which is not natively supported by MeshIO/FileIO, we have to manually register the DAE file format to be able to load Register DAE file format to DigitalAssetExchangeFormatIO, so that the mesh files for the franka robot can be loaded. Most of the time, this is done automatically by the package that provides the file format, but in this case we have to do it manually, before we can load the URDF file. Then we load the URDF file, with warnings suppressed, as the URDF file contains some features that are not supported by the URDFParser, but are not necessary for this example.

We then add gravity compensation to the robot model. As the franka robot does its own gravity compensation, this is considered part of the robot model, rather than part of the controller, so it is added directly to robot, not to the virtual mechanism system.

We then define a tool center point (TCP), in the end-effector frame of the robot, and add a coordinate to the robot model to represent the TCP. We also add a coordinate to the robot model for each joint, and add a tanh damper component to each joint to make the simulation more realistic, emulating the coulomb friction in the joints. The choice of β will affect the minimum velocity at which the damper will start to act, and will therefore affect the number of timesteps required to simulate the system: a smaller β will require more timesteps.

using FileIO, UUIDs
    FileIO.add_format(format"DAE", (), ".dae", [:DigitalAssetExchangeFormatIO => UUID("43182933-f65b-495a-9e05-4d939cea427d")])
module_path = joinpath(splitpath(splitdir(pathof(VMRobotControl))[1])[1:end-1])
robot = parseRSON(joinpath(module_path, "RSONs/rsons/franka_panda/pandaSurgical.rson"))
add_gravity_compensation!(robot, VMRobotControl.DEFAULT_GRAVITY)
add_coordinate!(robot, FrameOrigin("instrument_EE_frame"); id="TCP")

for (i, τ_coulomb) in zip(1:7, [5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0])
    β = 1e-1
    add_component!(robot, TanhDamper(τ_coulomb, β, "J$i"); id="J$(i)_damper")
┌ Warning: lines is not supported
└ @ DigitalAssetExchangeFormatIO ~/.julia/packages/DigitalAssetExchangeFormatIO/joSI4/src/parser.jl:127
┌ Warning: lines is not supported
└ @ DigitalAssetExchangeFormatIO ~/.julia/packages/DigitalAssetExchangeFormatIO/joSI4/src/parser.jl:127
┌ Warning: lines is not supported
└ @ DigitalAssetExchangeFormatIO ~/.julia/packages/DigitalAssetExchangeFormatIO/joSI4/src/parser.jl:127

Now, we build the virtual mechanism, which consists of a virtual track that a virtual cart moves along. The virtual track is a Rail joint based upon the spline that we defined earlier. The virtual cart is connected to the robot's end effector by a virtual spring and damper, using the coordinate CartPosition. Coordinate CartDistance is the jointspace coordinate of the rail joint: distance the cart has moved along the virtual track. Components CartInertance and CartDamper are used to add inertance and damping to the cart, and can be thought of as the mass and friction of the cart, respectively. Notably, using a LinearInerter component here is equivalent to adding a mass to the cart which is not affected by the force of gravity.

vm = Mechanism{Float64}("VirtualTrack")

cart_frame = add_frame!(vm, "Cart")
add_joint!(vm, Rail(spline, zero(Transform{Float64}));
        parent=root_frame(vm), child=cart_frame,        id="RailJoint")

Jointspace components

add_coordinate!(vm, JointSubspace("RailJoint");         id="CartDistance")
add_coordinate!(vm, FrameOrigin(cart_frame);            id="CartPosition")
add_component!(vm, LinearInerter(1.0, "CartPosition");  id="CartInertance") # Cart mass
add_component!(vm, LinearDamper(100.0, "CartPosition"); id="CartDamper");

Now, we will combine the robot and the virtual mechanism into a single system. To do this we will create a VirtualMechanismSystem object, which will contain both the robot and the virtual mechanism. We will then add a CoordDifference component to the system, which will take the difference between the position of the virtual cart and the position of the robot's end effector. We will then add a spring and damper component to the system, which will constrain the robot to the path defined by the cart.

Finally we will add a ForceSource component to the system, which will apply a driving force to the cart, to move it along the path. The force source will apply a force of 20N in the forward direction, unless doing so would exceed the maximum power of 10W, in which case the magnitude of the force will be reduced to ensure that the power does not exceed 10W.

vms = VirtualMechanismSystem("System", robot, vm)
err_coord = CoordDifference(".virtual_mechanism.CartPosition", ".robot.TCP")
err_spring = LinearSpring(3000.0 * identity(3), "CartError")
err_damper = LinearDamper(50.0 * identity(3), "CartError")

add_coordinate!(vms, err_coord;     id="CartError")
add_component!(vms, err_spring;     id="CartErrSpring")
add_component!(vms, err_damper;     id="CartErrDamper")

max_power = 10.0
force_source = ForceSource(SVector(20.0), max_power, ".virtual_mechanism.CartDistance")
add_component!(vms, force_source;   id="Force source");

Setting up the simulation

We define a disturbance function that will apply a force of 20N in the negative x-direction between 3 and 6 seconds. We then define the f_control function, which will apply this disturbance force to the system. The f_control function is called once per timestep of the simulation, and can be used to apply external forces to the system. The f_setup function is used to get the coordinate ID of the TCP position at the beginning of the simulation, to be used in the f_control function.

We then define the timespan, initial joint angles, joint velocities, and gravity vector for the simulation. We create a dynamics cache, and an ODE problem, and solve the ODE problem using the Tsit5 solver from DifferentialEquations.jl.

f_setup(cache) = get_compiled_coordID(cache, ".robot.TCP")
disturbance_func(t) = 3 < t < 6 ? SVector(-20., 0., 0.) : SVector(0., 0., 0.)
function f_control(cache, t, args, extra)
    tcp_pos_coord_id = args
    F = disturbance_func(t)
    uᵣ, uᵥ = get_u(cache)
    z = configuration(cache, tcp_pos_coord_id)
    J = jacobian(cache, tcp_pos_coord_id)
    mul!(uᵣ, J', F)

cache = new_dynamics_cache(compile(vms))
tspan = (0.0, 10.0)
q = ([0.0, 0.1, 0.0, -2.5, pi/2, pi/2, 0.6], [0.0])
q̇ = (zeros(7), zeros(1))
gravity = VMRobotControl.DEFAULT_GRAVITY
prob = get_ode_problem(cache, gravity, q, q̇, tspan; f_setup, f_control)
@info "Simulating compliant path following."
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(); maxiters=2e5, abstol=1e-6, reltol=1e-6);
[ Info: Simulating compliant path following.

Visualizing the simulation

We will now visualize the simulation. We will create a Figure object, and add a LScene to it. We create an observable for the time, and an observable for the kinematics cache. These will be used by the animate_robot_odesolution function, which will update the observables, and therefore any plots that depend upon them, as it plays back the simulation solution.

plotting_t = Observable(0.0)
plotting_kcache = Observable(new_kinematics_cache(compile(vms)))
plotting_vm_kcache = map(plotting_kcache) do k
cartID = get_compiled_coordID(plotting_kcache[], ".virtual_mechanism.CartPosition")

fig = Figure(; size=(720, 720), figure_padding=0)
ls = LScene(fig[1, 1]; show_axis=false)
cam = cam3d!(ls; center=false)
cam.eyeposition[] = [0.912748151284803, 1.0895512157983234, 0.8513286633206905]
cam.lookat[] = [0.09731484912188403, -0.18195162102725565, 0.17343471031108892];

The cart is visualized as a red rectangle. The rail is shown by sketching the virtual mechanism, and the robot is visualized using the robotvisualize! function.

scatter!(ls, plotting_kcache, cartID; color=:red, marker=:rect, markersize=10)
robotvisualize!(ls, plotting_kcache)
robotsketch!(ls, plotting_vm_kcache);

To plot the force arrow, we first get the TCP position, and then calculate the force at the TCP position using the disturbance function. We then plot the force arrow at the TCP position. The size of the arrow is scaled according to the magnitude of the force.

tcp_pos_id = get_compiled_coordID(plotting_kcache[], ".robot.TCP")
tcp_pos = map(plotting_kcache) do kcache
    Point3f(configuration(kcache, tcp_pos_id))
force = map(t -> 0.01 * Vec3f(disturbance_func(t)), plotting_t)
arrowsize = map(f -> 0.1*(f'*f)^(0.25), force)
arrows!(ls, map(p -> [p], tcp_pos), map(f -> [f], force); color = :red, arrowsize)

fps = 60
T = sol.t[end]
N_frames = Int(floor(fps * T))
ts = LinRange(0.0, T, N_frames)
savepath = joinpath(module_path, "docs/src/assets/compliant_path_following.mp4")
animate_robot_odesolution(fig, sol, plotting_kcache, savepath; t=plotting_t);

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