
This tutorial will give an overview of the package so that you can be proficient in building mechanisms, simulating, plotting and controlling robots.

What is a Mechanism?

You can think of a Mechanism as a robot. There are three main parts to a mechanism. First is the rigid body tree, which should be familiar if you have worked with robot simulation before. This is composed of reference frames and joints (e.g. Revolute or Prismatic). This rigid body tree defines the set of minimal/generalized coordinates that define the state of the robot–think $q$, $\dot q$: the joint angles/ velocities.

using VMRobotControl, StaticArrays
mechanism = Mechanism{Float64}("MyRobot")
add_frame!(mechanism; id="L1")
axis = SVector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
add_joint!(mechanism, Revolute(axis); parent="root_frame", child="L1", id="J1")
1DOF Mechanism{Float64} "MyRobot" with 2 frames, 1 joint

Second are the mechanism's coordinates. These are extra geometric points/ features of interest derived from the state of the rigid body tree. The simplest coordinate might be the FramePoint which represents a fixed point in a particular reference frame.

tip_offset = SVector(0.0, 0.0, -1.0)
add_coordinate!(mechanism, FramePoint("L1", tip_offset); id="tip_position")
1DOF Mechanism{Float64} "MyRobot" with 2 frames, 1 joint, 1 coordinate

Finally we have components, which include mass, inertia, springs, dampers and inerters, among others. Here we add a pointmass to the tip of our pendulum.

add_component!(mechanism, PointMass(1.0, "tip_position"); id="tip_mass")
1DOF Mechanism{Float64} "MyRobot" with 2 frames, 1 joint, 1 coordinate, 1 component

Finally, we might wish to plot and simulate our mechanism. The details of how to do this are explained later, but here is an example.

using GLMakie
fig = Figure(size=(200, 200))
ls = LScene(fig[1, 1]; show_axis=false)
m = compile(mechanism)
kcache = Observable(new_kinematics_cache(m))
root_frame_id = get_compiled_frameID(m, "root_frame")
coord_id = get_compiled_coordID(m, "tip_position")
robotsketch!(ls, kcache; linewidth=2.0)
scatterlines!(ls, kcache, [root_frame_id, coord_id]; color=:black, linewidth=2.0)
text!(ls, kcache, coord_id; text="tip_position")
save("pendulum.png", fig)

using DifferentialEquations
dcache, gravity = new_dynamics_cache(m), VMRobotControl.DEFAULT_GRAVITY
q, q̇, tspan = [1.0], [0.0], 10.0
prob = get_ode_problem(dcache, gravity, q, q̇, tspan)
sol = solve(prob)
animate_robot_odesolution(fig, sol, kcache, "animation.mp4")

In the following sections you will learn how to

  • build a mechanism
  • compile a mechanism for kinematics/dynamic computations
  • make a virtual mechanism system
  • plot mechanisms/virtual mechanism systems with Makie.jl
  • simulate mechanisms/virtual mechanism systems with DifferentialEquation.jl
  • perform realtime control
  • do AD/Optimization with ForwardDiff.jl or Enzyme.jl