Optimization/Algorithmic Differentiation
Once you have designed a virtual mechanism controller, you will want to tune the parameters. You can do that by hand or optimize numerically.
Algorithmic Differentiation (AD) is incredibly useful for optimization, as you can easily compute a gradient to speed up the search for the best parameters. There are two tested ways to perform Algorithmic Differentation (AD) with this package. The first and most reliable is using ForwardDiff.jl
, and the other using Enzyme.jl
is easier to use but scales poorly with the number of parameters. Enzyme
is harder to use and does not work over the entire interface. However, it can use reverse mode/ backpropagation, so scales extremely well for large numbers of parameters.
This topic is for advanced users, and requires a strong understanding of julia.
Using ForwardDiff.jl
As ForwardDiff.jl
uses dual numbers you will get an error if you try to compute directly. This is because by default, the any cache created uses the type Float64
using ForwardDiff, VMRobotControl
robot = parseRSON("../../../RSONs/rsons/simple2link.rson")
m = compile(robot)
cache = new_kinematics_cache(m)
t = 0.0
EE_frame = get_compiled_frameID(m, "EE_frame")
results = ForwardDiff.gradient([1.0, 2.0]) do q
kinematics!(cache, t, q)
o = origin(get_transform(m, EE_frame))
return o
catch e
MethodError(Float64, (Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{Main.var"#1#2", Float64}}(1.0,1.0,0.0),), 0x0000000000006a4d)
Instead, you can wrap the cache in type EltypeCache
. To access a concrete cache with element type T
, use the syntax eltype_cache[T]
. This will create a cache if one does not already exist, or return the existing cache.
eltype_cache = let m=m
# This let block is required. If it is not used, then the type of m is not known.
# By introducing a hard scope, the type is fixed.
initializer = (T) -> new_kinematics_cache(m, T)
results = ForwardDiff.jacobian([1.0, 2.0]) do q
T = eltype(q)
cache = eltype_cache[T]
kinematics!(cache, t, q)
o = origin(get_transform(cache, EE_frame))
return o
3×2 Matrix{Float64}:
-0.44969 -0.989992
0.0 0.0
-0.982591 -0.14112
This can also be used in conjunction with DifferentialEquations.jl
, to differentiate through a simulation:
using DifferentialEquations
eltype_cache = let m=m
initializer = (T) -> new_dynamics_cache(m, T)
EE_frame = get_compiled_frameID(m, "EE_frame")
results = ForwardDiff.gradient([1.0, 2.0]) do q
T = eltype(q)
cache = eltype_cache[T]
g, q̇, tspan = VMRobotControl.DEFAULT_GRAVITY, zero(q), 5.0
prob = get_ode_problem(cache, g, q, q̇, tspan, )
sol = solve(prob)
x = sol(tspan) # Get final state
dynamics!(cache, tspan, x[q_idxs(m)], x[q̇_idxs(m)], g) # Compute using final state
o = origin(get_transform(cache, EE_frame))
return sqrt(o' * o)
2-element Vector{Float64}:
Using Enzyme.jl
For examples of using Enzyme
look at ./test/Enzyme_compat_test
. At the time of writing, this works for nearly everything, except computing inertance matrices, and thus dynamics.